Send an email to: [email protected] and we will confidentially connect you with other St. Louis priests who are standing up for their flocks.
Contact Canon Lawyer Philip Gray at The St. Joseph Foundation for a free confidential consultation:
Contact Philip Gray
Pastors need to know that they have Canon Law rights just like the lay faithful. We are sure that there was not a course in Seminary explaining those rights to you. We the laity had to learn our Canon Law rights to defend our parishes and schools, and we want you to know your rights, too. We will stand behind you if you choose to defend our Parish families, as good fathers would do! With the latest "Pastorate" plans presented on February 2, 2023, many parishes will not have pastors available to truly support their spiritual needs, i.e. the Sacraments.
For example, did you know that it must be the pastor who originates the sale of a parish after hearing the parishioners? (Canon 532) The pastor also has broad discretion when it comes to administrative decisions and pastoral needs of his flock which the bishop cannot control. (Canon 515, 532, et. al.) Also, the pastor cannot be transferred unless the transfer will be for the good of souls or the advantage of the Church (Canon 1748). The bishop cannot transfer based on things like: "Well, it's been a few years" or "Hey, we like to move priests around." The bishop actually has to have a positive reason AND understand the good it will do for both parishes. (Canon 190)
For more information on the Section of Canon Law that addresses the transfer of pastors:
Conflict of conscience often occurs when your ordinary makes administrative decisions harmful to the pastoral and spiritual care of the Faithful within your care as a Priest/Pastor. Learn more about how to consider the questions these situations raise here: Memorandum to Interested Priests - Conflict of Conscience Questions
You can email us at i[email protected] to be confidentially put in touch with other St. Louis priests who have learned their rights and are standing up for their flocks. Or you can contact Canon Lawyer Philip Gray through The St. Joseph Foundation for a free confidential consultation by clicking here:
St. Joseph Canon Law Foundation
We love our priests and pray for them daily. As lay faithful, we view our Pastors much like a father who we can trust and who will provide good things for his children. We also recognize a Pastor by his authority and his love. Like a good shepherd, he defends his flock when it is under attack, and ministers to us when we are sick or lonely or tired or dying.
Only through his ministry can we receive the Sacraments of the Church. He baptizes our babies. He pardons our sins in Confession. He prepares our children to receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. He guides them to become Soldiers for Christ at Confirmation. He helps our children discover their Vocations. He marries those called to Marriage. He celebrates with us when our sons are Ordained to the Priesthood or our daughters enter a Religious Community. He anoints our family members who are sick or dying. He is God's instrument working for Salvation of Souls. Truly, we wonder, where would we be without our priests???!